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One area that can be generalized upon is that of the common areas of apartment complexes. In many cases the knee-jerk response is to paint the walls magnolia, put down an industrial office space floor covering – couple that with some generic prints from the local poster shop, and hey – that’s quality and luxury for such an area covered, right?

Our thinking is this: Investment in quality adds value, encourages order amongst the Residents who will care more for the complex, and creates a positive feeling in living in a well lit, beautifully designed development. Re-investment is also key in maintaining standards and value in the apartment asset.

At MiD we have recently completed another apartment complex common area upgrade. Instead of the magnolia on the walls we used a quality wallpaper. We added feature by highlighting the skirting boards and architraves in a contrasting grey. The floor covering remains as was – a quality wool carpet that has seen 18 years so far. (It gets cleaned once a year)

However, each such project can be different. The materials you use dependent on the density of complex. For more information give us a call today and find out how to add value and luxury to your development. It’s Better living through good design.

Recently completed Common area by MiD.