Electric Vehicle – Apartment Charging Grant – SEAI

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The apartment charger grant assists residents and owners of apartments and other multi-unit developments who want to install a home charger for their Electric Vehicle (EV)

The Apartment Charger Grant is aimed at aiding residents and owners of apartments and other multi-unit developments who wish to install a home charger for their Electric Vehicle (EV) but are not covered by existing grants. This grant is tailored for the bulk installation of chargers at a single location and covers costs related to cabling, infrastructure, labor, and construction.

Entities eligible to apply for this grant include Owners’ Management Companies, housing bodies, local authorities, commercial and private landlords.#

Funding for the Apartment Charger Grant scheme is provided by Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI), which operates within the Department of Transport. The scheme is administered by SEAI on behalf of ZEVI.

There are two distinct pathways to access this grant:

  1. No Existing EV Charging System or Network: If your car park does not currently have an EV charging system in place, the management company overseeing the complex can submit an application to SEAI for grant assistance. SEAI offers up to 80% funding to cover infrastructure costs and provides an additional €600 per charge point installed. The management company may then collaborate with you to arrange payment for any remaining balance to obtain ownership of the charger. For a detailed explanation of this process, watch our informative short video animation.
  2. If your complex already has an existing EV charging network, you should reach out to your Management Company to seek permission to join the local network. They will provide guidance on the required equipment and supplier, as well as instructions on setting up an account to facilitate payment for the use of the system. Once you’ve completed this process, you can proceed to the Home Charger online grant system to submit an application for a Home Charger grant.

The following entities are eligible to apply for the Home Charger Grant:

  1. Owners’ Management Companies
  2. Management companies of Build-to-Rent developments
  3. Local Authorities
  4. Approved Housing Bodies

Additionally, management companies, or their equivalents, of any multi-unit development with two or more units that share facilities, amenities, and services, and where shared or private parking is available, but lacks dedicated private off-street parking, are eligible to apply.

Private and commercial landlords who own one or more units in a development are also eligible for the grant, but specifically for bulk installations of chargers.

If your situation does not fit within the above categories but your development meets the defined criteria, please reach out to SEAI via


to explore potential eligibility.

The funding levels for the Home Charger Grant vary depending on the applicant type:

  • Local Authority or Approved Housing Body: Eligible for 90% of eligible costs.
  • Owners’ Management Company: Eligible for 80% of eligible costs.
  • Management companies of Build-to-Rent developments: Eligible for 60% of eligible costs.

How to apply

To apply for the Home Charger Grant, follow these steps:

  1. Partner with a Charge Point Operator (CPO): You need to collaborate with a Charge Point Operator who will provide you with a quotation and technical guidance on the most suitable solution for your needs.
  2. Obtain Quotations: It is recommended that the management company seeks out three quotes from SEAI registered Charge Point Operators (CPO). These quotes will help you compare options and make an informed decision.
  3. Select a CPO: Once you’ve received quotations from CPOs, choose the one that best fits your requirements in terms of pricing, services, and technical expertise.
  4. Coordinate Works: The selected CPO will be responsible for managing the billing systems, maintenance, and coordinating the required works. Work closely with them to ensure a smooth installation process.
  5. Apply for the Grant: After selecting a CPO and obtaining their quotation, you can proceed to apply for the Home Charger Grant through the designated application process provided by SEAI.

By following these steps and working closely with your chosen Charge Point Operator, you can efficiently navigate the application process and access the Home Charger Grant for your multi-unit development.

For  further details direct from the SEAI – please see this link