Well, we’ve decided to make some changes around here!
Starting with our social media networks, we’ll be pumping out more content for you design lovers to engage with. We originally covered Design in the Retail, Interior & graphic realm, but we felt today that this is too limited with all the amazing projects and work out there.
At Michael Ó Mara Interior Design | Graphic Design (MiD) we DIG design in its many forms, totally! And so we will commence our new social media life as:
You’ll find our favorite selections of different Design related topics in areas such as Interiors, Graphics, Retail,Technology, Engineering, Product, Commercial, Urban & Industrial that our team have compiled whilst scouring the length & breadth of the interweb – saving you all the hassle and time, with concise posts of the best Design STUFF we DIG at MiD (And we hope you will too) but with all the noise siphoned out.
If you have a particular design related article, why not forward to us? We’ll also keep you updated about our projects from time to time too.
Check out a selection of our favorite Designs & Ideas from across the globe…
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