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Kitchen design, best kitchens

The kitchen is the heart of the home.

Be that a house or an apartment.


6 Key factors to consider when designing your kitchen:


  1. Plan the space. A good start is measuring the room to which you plan to locate the kitchen or remodel and re-orientate your kitchen. Keep the old rule of the ‘working triangle’ in mind for purpose and function.

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2. Consider all your requirements for your kitchen. Storage: Hidden and exposed, appliances, waste disposal, cooking etc.

3. Then consider the style you require. Will it be a classical in-frame style? A contemporary classic/ modern blend? A minimalist clean line design?

4. Now consider the colour. Will it be monotone or duo tone maybe?

interior designers dublin, dublin interior design

5. Consider surface finishes appeal to you? Steel, gloss, matt, polished, wood, stone, marble, mirror…

6. Consider your budget. Budgets are key to realising that perfect kitchen. We are bombarded with glossy images of beautiful kitchens in magazines and on soc med. but sometimes these dream spaces carry considerable budgets. However, it is always smarter to invest more in a kitchen as it is a major focal point of your home and a place where you will more than likely spend a considerable amount of your personal time.

If you are considering a new kitchen, remodel, or redesign why not TALK TO US TODAY. We are here to help and advise you in realising your interior dreamS.